Penne pasta with cherry tomato sauce

Be impressed with this easy and delicious recipe 🍝
Let us introduce you to Chef Olivier Castella: French chef originating from Savoie, his culinary journey took him to the Kingdom of Thailand, where our paths have crossed!
For us, Olivier has revisited one of the most popular meals in every household: please welcome chef’s Penne pasta with cherry tomato sauce.
🍲 In a large pot, add the olive oil and bring to medium heat. Add the raw pasta and gently stir them for 1 to 2 mins. That will add a subtle roasted flavor to the penne.
😋 Cover with water, cook, and season generously with Montagé Roasted Garlic Sweet Onion.
Meanwhile, begin preparing the cherry tomatoes and red bell pepper sauce.
🍅 In a large bowl, add olive oil, salt and fresh basil. Slice half of the cherry tomatoes into two, and marinate them in the bowl.
🫑 Peel the red bell pepper and 2 or 3 garlic cloves with a sharp knife.
In a blender, add the other half of the tomatoes, the bell pepper and the garlic cloves, then blend the ingredients.
🥄 Pour the mixture into a pan and bring to medium heat. Cook for 2 minutes. Stir frequently to avoid the sauce burning! Add the marinated tomatoes to the mixture and cook for 1 more minute.
🍝 Transfer the pasta directly to the sauce. Toss the pasta to coat it well. Garnish with fresh basil, parmesan and top up with a pinch of salt at your ease.
#Montagé #Salt #GourmetSalt #Andaman #FleurDeSel #AllNatural #AdditivesFree #TomatoSauce #Recipe #Foodie #InstaFood #GMOfree